Telling stories with video for non-profits around the world
Dementia. Edited and animated art provided by Soto Creative & DJ Summit.
The ARTery: Burning Man
Burning Man volunteer recruitment. Shot by Phil Ruth and Richard Neill.
Bard College: Hannah Arendt Center Conference
editor: Data Jam Promo, The Cary Institute
Rebuilding Together San Francisco
Burning Man Autumnal 2018 promo
"Happy Birthday Mother Earth" for the People Power Band. Tom Chandler DP
Relief International: Pakistan Earthquake
Ghana Water, Sanitation and Health Project
Relief International: Afghan Women's Centers. Tom Chandler DP
Born Free: Primate Sanctuary
The Netza School Project, Zihuatanejo, Mexico
Lifehouse (formerly known as MARC), Marin, CA
Last Chance for the Pacific Salmon, a one hour documentary.